Staying Busy

Let’s talk about schedules.

In my experience, Winter can be slow. The holiday season starts as early as November and takes us through to the new year. When gatherings come to a close, and human beings step into a form of social hibernation, the world itself does not stop turning.

So, how can we get the most out of our downtime?

  1. Be the one to make a plan.

    Many times we are “too busy”.

    Too busy for family, too busy for friends, too busy for… well, anyone.

    When the season picks up you know it’s game on. Now is the time to really show up, saying “yes” to the opportunities coming in. Your family gets it, and your people get it, but why not use this time to go back and water those relationships, now that you have the time?

    Do not take that level of understanding and acceptance for granted.

  2. Mull it over.

    How was your year? Take a look at where you are (financially, emotionally, physically…) and see if there are any opportunities for improvement this year.

    Be honest. Did you spend too much or not enough? How prepared were you? Did you make more or less than the year before? Why? Maybe there are some factors you made the best of but could not control. Evaluate the decisions you made and their created outcome.

    Keep a journal. This gets easier the more you pay attention. Take charge of your growth.

  3. Educate.

    This relates to the last point: once you know where you are, and where you want to be, figure out what you need to get from point A to point B.

    This can look like online research, reading a book, or taking a class. Prepare yourself for the job you want. If you are a model, maybe after some reflection you came to the conclusion that you would like to book a fitness campaign this year.

    Break down your goals into smaller, more attainable steps. How can you train like an athlete this winter? Which models are booking the campaigns that you are interested in? Who are they signed with? What does their portfolio look like? Design a plan based on your findings.

  4. Connect.

    Let it be known - you are ready to take action. Set up a test shoot, and create something with the people around you. Connect with someone new. Those new images could land you that campaign, that photographer could pass along your name, or you could simply benefit from the practice. Each of these scenarios is a win.

    Sharing what it is you are after will only increase your odds of achievement while having something to shoot for will pull you through seemingly directionless days.

  5. Rest!

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking a well-deserved break. You can be perfectly content with where you are, reveling in the successes of your year, knowing that you worked hard. Take time to recharge. Rest will leave you excited to go back with fresh ideas.

With love,


Daina ReynoldsComment